WNI di AS Dianjurkan Selalu Bawa Kartu Identitas untuk Antisipasi Penggerebekan Imigran Tanpa Dokumen

The Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington, D.C., Ida Bagus Made Bimantara, on Saturday (25/1), reminded all Indonesian citizens (WNI) in the United States to always carry their identification cards and remain calm when dealing with immigration and customs officers (Immigration and Custom Enforcement/ICE) during inspections.

The highest-ranking diplomat at the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, affectionately known as Sade, issued this reminder as immigration identity checks and raids on individuals suspected of being in the U.S. illegally began.

“Always carry your identification card and if stopped by immigration officers. Remember that all residents from any country in the U.S. are protected by U.S. law and constitution. This means we have the right not to speak and to call a lawyer when facing immigration or other legal situations in the U.S.,” said Sade.

Ida Bagus Made Bimantara, Deputy Head of the Indonesian Representative. (VOA/Made Yoni)

Ida Bagus Made Bimantara, Deputy Head of the Indonesian Representative. (VOA/Made Yoni)

Shortly after taking office on January 20, President Donald Trump issued a presidential order to crack down on illegal immigration and deport those living in the U.S. illegally. When signing the presidential order, Trump also stated that steps would be taken to punish officials who refuse to enforce his directives.

Two days after the presidential order was issued, on Thursday (22/1), a number of ICE agents gathered undocumented immigrants – including American citizens – in a workplace raid in Newark, New Jersey.

Reuters news agency quoted Newark Mayor Ras Baraka stating that a military veteran was also detained during the raid.

“ICE agents were unable to show a warrant as they detained ‘undocumented residents and citizens,'” Baraka said in a statement issued jointly with several local leaders the day after the operation.

Half of Indonesian Citizens in America Undocumented

In a phone interview, Ida Bagus Made Bimantara stated that the Indonesian Embassy had taken several precautionary measures in response to President Trump’s instructions.

First, Sade said, the Indonesian Embassy coordinated with the five Consulates General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in America to emphasize the need to provide the best protection for WNI, prepare crisis teams, and activate hotlines.

The emergency contact number for the Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC is: 202-569-7996.

Secondly, the Indonesian Embassy also conducted outreach to community pockets to convey a number of issues related to handling this matter in case there are WNI in trouble, he added.

Moreover, the Indonesian Embassy also coordinated with specialized immigration attorneys in America to provide the necessary legal assistance and support.

“We also coordinated with ICE to discuss Indonesian citizens in the U.S., estimated to be around 120,000 people. Half of them are unregistered Indonesian citizens. This is our estimate, as the exact number of unregistered individuals in these representative offices is unknown,” said Sade.

New Passport Application Requirements

Since April 16, 2018, passport issuance or renewal services at all Indonesian representations abroad use the Immigration Management Information System (SIMKIM) directly linked to the Immigration Data Center of the Directorate General of Immigration in Jakarta.

Therefore, all WNI, including those in the United States, must come directly to the representative offices for fingerprinting and photo capture (biometrics), after making an appointment.

Those wishing to obtain a new passport or renew an old one must fill out an application form and include the expiring original passport, local ID or identification card, and proof of residence in America, either in the form of a visa or a green card. If residency documents are lost or in the process of renewal, a letter of renewal processing from U.S. immigration authorities must be attached.

Indonesian diaspora Muslims in Washington DC, United States, listening to a sermon after Eid prayers, Tuesday, June 4, 2019.

Indonesian diaspora Muslims in Washington DC, United States, listening to a sermon after Eid prayers, Tuesday, June 4, 2019.

Indonesian diaspora individuals are also asked to bring proof of residency, such as bank books, or utility bills, or lease agreements or property ownership.

Indonesian representations across America are also prepared to issue Letters of Passage in lieu of Passports (SPLP) for WNI without legal status who are undocumented and wish to return to their homeland.

Request for ICE Notifications

Sade stated that well before President Donald Trump’s official inauguration, the Indonesian Embassy had met with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to explain the presence of WNI in America.

“The majority of [WNI in America-red] have no criminal record and are law-abiding. (They) always make significant contributions to the American economy, being good and professional workers and entrepreneurs,” he said.

He acknowledged that there are also some involved in a few cases, but compared to other countries, the number is very small.

Furthermore, Sade emphasized the need for notification if there are WNI facing immigration legal issues in America, so they can be legally represented.

“We want to show all WNI here that the country is here for them. That we will always support, help, facilitate, and protect our citizens, especially when they face legal issues, immigration issues, and others,” he emphasized.

Undocumented WNI Now Resigned

One WNI without permanent legal status in DC, who preferred not to be named for fear of potential consequences, told VOA that they are “ready to return if caught.”

“I leave it to God. I have been in the U.S. for over 25 years, I always pay taxes, I have never been involved in anything strange. I just work as a house cleaner, selling, whatever it takes so my child can have a good education,” they said.

Indonesian diaspora youth Paskibra team in Washington, D.C. unfurling the Indonesian flag during a rehearsal (Photo: VOA Indonesia).

Indonesian diaspora youth Paskibra team in Washington, D.C. unfurling the Indonesian flag during a rehearsal (Photo: VOA Indonesia).

According to the WNI, they have tried to process the necessary documents, but the process is stalled with their attorney.

“I went to the Indonesian Embassy, only offered the SPLP (Letter of Passage in lieu of Passport). So if I have to return eventually, I am ready. I am resigned,” they said softly.

India Ready to Accept Undocumented Indian Citizens

Several high-ranking officials from friendly countries to America have contacted the U.S. Department of State to express their readiness to accept back their citizens who do not have official documents in the U.S.

Migrasi merupakan fenomena yang tidak bisa dihindari dalam dunia globalisasi saat ini. Banyak orang yang memutuskan untuk meninggalkan negara asal mereka demi mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik di tempat lain. Salah satu negara yang banyak dijadikan destinasi oleh para migran adalah Amerika Serikat. Namun, tidak semua migran memiliki status hukum tetap di sana, termasuk warga India.

Menteri Luar Negeri India Menyampaikan Keberatan

Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang menuai kontroversi adalah deportasi terhadap migran tanpa status hukum tetap. Hal ini juga berdampak pada warga India yang tinggal di AS. Menteri Luar Negeri India, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, menyampaikan keberatannya langsung kepada Menteri Luar Negeri AS, Marco Rubio, dalam pertemuan mereka pada Rabu (22/1) lalu.

Jumlah Migran India di AS

Menurut riset Pew Research Center pada tahun 2022, warga India merupakan kelompok imigran tanpa status hukum tetap terbesar ketiga di Amerika Serikat setelah Meksiko dan El Salvador. Jumlah mereka diperkirakan mencapai 725.000 orang. Namun, pemerintah AS hanya mengidentifikasi sekitar 18.000 migran India yang tidak memiliki status hukum tetap dan akan dipulangkan. Bloomberg melaporkan perincian nama dan status dari 18.000 orang tersebut, yang akan diverifikasi oleh pemerintah India sebelum proses deportasi dimulai.

Deportasi Migran Tanpa Dokumen

Pemerintahan Trump telah memulai tindakan deportasi terhadap migran tanpa status hukum tetap sejak awal masa kepresidenannya. Lebih dari 1.000 migran telah ditangkap dan beberapa di antaranya sudah direpatriasi ke negara asal, termasuk Guatemala. Trump menyatakan kepuasannya atas tindakan ini, mengatakan bahwa mereka berhasil mengeluarkan “kriminal yang jahat.” Gedung Putih merilis foto migran menaiki pesawat militer untuk diterbangkan keluar dari AS.

Respons Pemerintah AS

Pemerintah AS juga telah mengirimkan 1.500 tentara aktif ke perbatasan selatan Amerika-Meksiko untuk mengatasi masalah imigrasi ilegal. Meskipun diperkirakan ada sekitar 11 juta migran tanpa dokumen di AS, sebagian besar pejabat percaya bahwa tidak mungkin semuanya dapat dideportasi.


Migrasi tanpa status hukum tetap merupakan isu yang kompleks dan membutuhkan pendekatan yang bijaksana dari pemerintah. Deportasi tidak hanya berdampak pada individu yang bersangkutan, tetapi juga pada hubungan antar negara. Penting bagi pemerintah India dan AS untuk bekerja sama dalam menangani masalah ini demi kesejahteraan bersama.

Sumber: https://example.com

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