Pentingnya Seorang Guru Kreator Konten

With the current digital world development, full of internet and social media, the education sector must adapt. Therefore, becoming a content creator is an opportunity for teachers to develop themselves to keep up with the times, says Gilang Danu Kurniawan, a Social Media Specialist at the UIN Raden Intan Business Development Center in Lampung.

He notes that there is concern among teachers when they see many of their students enjoying social media platforms like TikTok. Many of the contents on social media are not educational, not suitable for children’s needs, and mostly entertainment content that can lead to negative influences affecting students’ performance in school.

For this reason, Gilang, who often conducts webinars on the importance of becoming content creators for teachers, adds another reason that he believes is the most important. He says, “Why don’t we (teachers) take part in facing this change? Take part in creating better content, with good educational value.”

This sentiment is shared by Kristiawati, a teacher who is also a content creator. She started during the pandemic when teaching activities shifted to online formats. She was concerned when she noticed students using gadgets not for learning, which impacted their mindset. Therefore, Kristiawati hopes that when she creates content on social media and students see it even for a few seconds, it will be beneficial content.

ILLUSTRATION - An 'elongated educational content creator' live streaming using TikTok in Washington, D.C., Friday, January 10, 2025. (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)

ILLUSTRATION – An ‘elongated educational content creator’ live streaming using TikTok in Washington, D.C., Friday, January 10, 2025. (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)

Another reason for teachers at SD Negeri 2 Bejiarum, Wonosobo, to create content is, “At the very least, wanting to provide benefits to fellow teachers, who knows they will be inspired and do the same. So, it’s like sharing best practices, to have more positive content on social media.”

The National Inspirational Teacher Award recipient in 2023 initially uploaded content on YouTube. She now also utilizes Instagram and TikTok platforms. The content on her YouTube channel is mainly aimed at helping fellow teachers, such as those preparing for the civil servant exam. Instagram is where she shares educational content for teachers and parents. She wants to show them that what she presents as content on these platforms is simple and applicable in their respective areas.

Kristiawati also hopes, “If it’s for kids, maybe we can provide learning materials that can be accessed not only in the classroom but also on social media. Perhaps the direction could lead there eventually.”

Educator Comments

Ratih Ayu Apsari, doctoral program student at the University of California, Berkeley. (Personal photo)

Ratih Ayu Apsari, doctoral program student at the University of California, Berkeley. (Personal photo)

Ratih Ayu Apsari was a Mathematics Education lecturer at Universitas Mataram before becoming a doctoral program student and postgraduate lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley in 2021. According to her, there is nothing wrong with disseminating knowledge through social media, as long as the content and delivery are appropriate.

She adds, “As individuals, teachers have the right to expand their ‘classroom’ into the digital social space, while maintaining thoughts, words, and actions in line with norms. It should be understood that creating educational content requires thorough preparation. If teachers want to become knowledge communicators for society, they should not diminish children’s right to learn in the classroom.”

Furthermore, she emphasizes that if children are included in content, their dignity must be preserved and consent from parents/guardians and the children involved should be obtained.

Rachel Waldrop, teacher at Denham Springs High School, Louisiana. (Personal photo)

Rachel Waldrop, teacher at Denham Springs High School, Louisiana. (Personal photo)

In Louisiana, Rachel Waldrop teaches at Denham Springs High School. Rachel, who admits she does not have social media, says she fully understands that teachers who become content creators may need additional income. However, she cautions that teachers must be careful in using social media.

She disagrees with content from teachers that record students at school or mock students. But, Rachel says, “Content like classroom management, educational activities in class, tips for new teachers, or educational content for children is very useful.”

Content Creation Training

As the only content creator teacher in her school so far, Kristiawati admits she did not receive formal education to create content because she was still focused on teaching in the classroom. But whenever there is an opportunity to improve content creation skills through workshops, for example, she always attends.

Gilang also acknowledges that learning content creation is mostly through non-formal training. Some of these are conducted by communities. He cites the WISE Pendidikan Indonesia community, where he is a member, which provides additional skills for becoming a teacher content creator.

ILLUSTRATION - Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram logos on a smartphone screen, July 13, 2021. (Dado Ruvic/REUTERS)

ILLUSTRATION – Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram logos on a smartphone screen, July 13, 2021. (Dado Ruvic/REUTERS)

Gilang, one of the founders of the Media Fisika digital creator account on Instagram, with a mission to make physics a fun subject, mentions that the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud Ristek) has facilitated such training and has a Teacher Content Creator (GKK) program. The program demonstrates central government support for teacher content creators, according to Kristiawati, who was a participant in the first batch of that training. Unfortunately, Gilang assesses that the program is not evenly distributed as only teachers with established names or reputations were called for training at the ministry.

Human Resource Readiness

Gilang admits he was initially pessimistic about many teachers not being ready to become content creators. He suspected that many of them, especially the older ones, struggled to adapt to technological advancements, let alone create content.

However, during content creation training for teachers from various regions in Indonesia through webinars where he was a frequent speaker, Gilang observed their enthusiasm to learn. Surprisingly, the majority, 80 to 90 percent, of webinar participants were in their 40s and 50s.

“When given the opportunity to create content, it turns out they can too.

Peluang Menjadi Kreator Konten bagi Guru di Indonesia

Sebagai seorang guru di Indonesia, terbuka lebar peluang untuk menjadi kreator konten. Hal ini dapat menjadi cara baru untuk mengembangkan diri, meningkatkan keterampilan, dan juga mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Dalam sebuah wawancara, Kristiawati menyatakan bahwa menjadi kreator konten telah membuka banyak pintu bagi dirinya. Sebagai contoh, ia sering diundang sebagai pembicara dalam webinar dan workshop karena telah dikenal sebagai kreator konten.

Menjadi kreator konten juga memberikan peluang bagi guru untuk bekerja sama dengan berbagai pihak, termasuk brand di luar bidang pendidikan. Hal ini dapat membuka jalan bagi guru untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan melalui kolaborasi dan endorsement. Selain itu, menjadi kreator konten juga dapat membantu guru membangun brand pribadi dan membuka peluang untuk membuka bimbingan belajar.

Perspektif Kreator Konten

Gilang Danu Kurniawan, seorang spesialis media sosial dari Pusat Pengembangan Bisnis UIN Raden Intan, Lampung, mengatakan bahwa menjadi kreator konten adalah pekerjaan yang paling menyenangkan saat ini. Guru dapat berkolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak dan bidang, termasuk brand di luar pendidikan. Hal ini tidak hanya membantu guru mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan, tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan bagi pihak lain yang ingin terlibat dalam dunia pendidikan.

Gilang menambahkan bahwa guru kreator konten dapat menjadi jembatan antara berbagai bidang di Indonesia untuk masuk ke ranah pendidikan. Hal ini menunjukkan betapa pentingnya peran guru sebagai agen perubahan dalam dunia pendidikan.

Meninggalkan Profesi Guru?

Meskipun penghasilan sebagai kreator konten bisa melebihi gaji sebagai guru, tidak semua guru akan memilih untuk meninggalkan profesinya. Menurut Gilang, profesi guru adalah panggilan jiwa yang tidak dapat ditinggalkan begitu saja. Meskipun demikian, tidak ada masalah jika seorang guru memilih untuk fokus menjadi kreator konten secara penuh.

Gilang menyatakan bahwa guru kreator konten yang masih memiliki jiwa pendidik akan tetap bertanggung jawab terhadap konten-konten yang mereka buat. Hal ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa konten yang disajikan tetap bermanfaat dan positif bagi masyarakat.


Sebagai seorang guru di Indonesia, menjadi kreator konten dapat membuka peluang baru untuk mengembangkan diri, meningkatkan keterampilan, dan mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Meskipun ada kemungkinan untuk meninggalkan profesinya, banyak guru yang tetap memilih untuk menjalani kedua profesi tersebut dengan penuh tanggung jawab dan dedikasi.

Dengan adanya guru kreator konten, diharapkan akan tercipta kolaborasi yang positif antara dunia pendidikan dan berbagai bidang lainnya. Hal ini dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia dan membuka jalan bagi inovasi dan perkembangan yang lebih baik di masa depan.

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